Saturday, January 15, 2011

the little things

On a normal day I don't have big things happen. My day is made up of little things. I figured out that God wants to see what are decisions and reaction are to the little things.
For example, I was asked last night by the 4 year old I babysit if I would come to McDonald's for lunch today. Now I had originally planned to clean all morning so I could move back into my room today. However, I had a choice. The look in that little boys eyes plus a conversation with his mom and I knew I had to go.
I am not saying I was forced. I had a dilemma. My mind knew I needed to clean, but my heart wanted to pour love on this little boy and his family. My heart of course won. I had to change some plans but I will be going to lunch with them.
God gives us the little things to see our character. To shape the person we are so when the big things happen we are lights shining God's love. More people remember the little things when they see God in them. Even if they don't know it's God they see.
What do you choose when it comes to little things? Do you think they don't matter? God can use you no matter how small the choice. You can impact a city if God has that plan for you. Think about that today as you go about your day.
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